Parent Engagement
We recognize that in order to be successful in school, our children need support from both the home and school. We know a strong partnership with you will make a great difference in your child’s education. As partners, we share the responsibility for our children’s success and want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities. We ask that you guide and support your child’s learning by ensuring that he/she:
1) Attends school daily and arrives on time, ready for the day’s learning experience.
2) Completes all homework assignments given by teachers.
3) Reads daily to develop a love for reading and to improve literacy skills.
4) Shares school experiences with you so that you are aware of his/her school life.

Site based decision making committee. Monthly meeting that includes the CBAC representative.
First Meeting is on Tuesday, Aug. 20 at 4:30 PM.
PTA meetings are usually held on the third Tuesday of each month at 3:00 in the office. The first meeting will be on Tuesday, August 20 at 3:00 PM. See our Spangler calendar for more dates.
Monthly meeting lead by the Superintendent discussing and making decisions about district wide issues.
Monthly meeting lead by the Learning and Development department about serving our English Language Learners.
Read the family handbook to learn more about Anthony Spangler Elementary School.
Classroom, Home & Specialized Volunteers
All Volunteers & Visitors must sign-in in the office and wear a badge so that students are easily able to identify them as safe adults. The district implemented a new Volunteer procedure during the 2005-06 school year. The procedures have been revised and information was sent home in the first day packets. A Volunteer Information Form needs to be completed and on file in our front office before you can begin your regular involvement in the school. If you have volunteered in the past, we are asking that you turn in updated information such as TB test and covid vaccination. Please talk to the front office.
Classroom Mentoring
One of the ways we have found to improve education at Spangler is to get parents involved in the educational process as mentors. Volunteers share their experiences with children, provide students with more individual attention, and help children develop to their full potential. If you would like to get involved, please call Spangler (408) 635-2870, or contact your child's teacher. Your efforts will be greatly appreciated.
Home and Classroom Volunteers
Opportunities to volunteer at Spangler are everywhere. Whether you are home during the day or work outside the home, if you want to help at Spangler we can find a place where you are needed. While many parents choose to volunteer in their child's classroom, each teacher's needs are different. Some projects can be completed at home or in other areas of the school. Volunteering in a classroom may take the form of reading with children, supervising children's work, preparing materials, chaperoning a field trip, making a presentation to the class, helping with a class party, or taking care of book club orders.
Specialized Volunteers
Spangler needs your service in these areas:
The school library is always in need of volunteers to shelve books and assist students with locating and checking out materials.
The Learning Center is a great place to use your technological skills to assist students.
The Spangler PTA has many volunteer positions, such as serving on committees, and working on various projects throughout the year.
School and district committees (School Site Council, English Learner Advisory Committee) need parents.
Clerical work for teaching materials is needed throughout the school.
A special skill or talent can be shared by you and we may be able to use it.
Childcare for parents who are volunteering at school.