School Site Council

Upcoming Meetings:

Spangler School Site Council Bylaws 


Article I

Duties of the School Site Council

The School Site Council of Spangler Elementary, hereinafter referred to as the School Site Council, shall carry out the following duties:

Article II


Section A: Composition

The School Site Council shall be composed of 7 members, selected by their peers, as follows:

The school principal shall be an ex officio member of the School Site Council.

School Site Council members chosen to represent parents may be employees of the school district so long as they are not employed at this school.

Section B: Term of Office

School Site Council members shall be elected for a 2-year term. Half, or the nearest approximation thereof, of each representative group shall be elected during odd years, and the remaining number elected during even years. At the first regular meeting of the School Site Council, each member’s current term of office shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.  Should there be any vacancies on the board at the school year’s initial gathering, a backfill shall be appointed at the Council’s first scheduled meeting.

Section C: Voting Rights

Each member is entitled to one vote and may cast that vote on any matter submitted to vote of the School Site Council. Absentee ballots shall not be permitted.

Section D: Termination of Membership

Membership will automatically terminate for any member who is absent from three consecutive School Site Council meetings without a valid reason.

Section F: Vacancy

Any vacancy on the School Site Council occurring during the term of a duly elected member shall be filled by School Site Council appointment for the completion of the vacating member’s term.

Article III


Section A: Officers

The officers of the School Site Council shall be a chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, and other officers the School Site Council may deem desirable. Note:  Spangler has appointed one parental liaison as a voting member.

The chairperson shall:

The vice-chairperson shall:

The secretary shall:

Article IV

Meetings of the School Site Council

Section A: Meetings

The School Site Council shall meet regularly each month.  Special meetings of the School Site Council may be called by the chairperson or by a majority vote of the School Site Council.

Section B: Place of Meetings

The School Site Council shall hold its regular meetings at a facility provided by the school, unless such a facility accessible to the public, including handicapped persons, is unavailable. Alternate meeting places may be determined by the chairperson or by majority vote of the School Site Council.

Section C: Notice of Meetings

Written public notice shall be given of all meetings at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Changes in the established date, time or location shall be given special notice. All meetings shall be publicized in the following venues: office and newsletter.

All required notices shall be delivered to School Site Council and committee members no less than 72 hours, and no more than 5 days in advance of the meeting, personally or by mail / e-mail.

Section D: Quorum

The act of a majority of the members present shall be the act of the School Site Council, provided a quorum is in attendance, and no decision may otherwise be attributed to the School Site Council. A majority of the members of the School Site Council shall constitute a quorum, which equates to 4 members present of the board comprising of 7 members.

Section E: Conduct of Meetings

Meetings of the School Site Council shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of order established by Education Code Section 3147(c), and with Robert’s Rules of Order or an adaptation thereof approved by the School Site Council.

Section F: Meetings Open to the Public

All meetings of the School Site Council, and of committees established by the School Site Council, shall be open to the public. Notice of such meetings shall be provided in accordance with Section C of this article.

Article V


An amendment of these bylaws may be made at any regular meeting of the School Site Council by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. Written notice of the proposed amendment must be submitted to School Site Council members at least 3 days prior to the meeting at which the amendment is to be considered for adoption