Student Assessment

Information about SBAC from Parent University

General SBAC Information

The California School Dashboard is a new website that parents/guardians, educators and the public can use to see how districts and schools are meeting the needs of California’s student population based on multiple measures included in the new accountability system.


The Dashboard will allow Spangler parents to search by school and includes a set of easy-to-use reports showing district or school performance on 6 state indicators and 4 local indicators in different levels of detail.

Our school will receive one of five color-coded performance levels on the state indicators. From highest to lowest, the five performance levels are: blue, green, yellow, orange, red, with green being the target to reach. The overall performance level that our school will receive is based on how our current performance (status) compares to our past performance (change). This will help provide a more complete picture of Spangler's performance than a point-in-time snapshot, along with recognizing improvement as part of overall performance. If you would like to review Spangler's dashboard reports, please click here.


This video provides an overview of California's new multiple measures accountability system. It describes the measures in the new Dashboard Report and how performance and improvement are used to determine the performance colors.

 California School Dashboard Video (English)

California School Dashboard Video (Spanish)